
Spiritual Causes of Diseases

Pridal: Updated: 11/29/2024 03:52:45 PM

29 November 2024

Illness is a condition which indicates that a person's consciousness is not in order, or that harmony does not reign in it. This loss of inner balance manifests in the body as a symptom. It is a signal and a carrier of information, because by its manifestation it interrupts the current flow of our life and forces us to pay attention to it. The symptom signals that one is ill, as a mental being, i.e. that we have lost the balance of our mental powers, that something is missing.

The following lines will deprive you of the opportunity to blame illness on the inability to solve your problems, because the sick person is not an innocent victim of some imperfection of nature, but is himself the cause of his own problems. Symptoms are, in fact, a form of bodily expression of mental conflicts and, importantly, because of their symbolism, they are able to reveal to the patient a specific (mental) problem.

Illness implies a loss of harmony (or, from another point of view, it is actually a matter of restoring balance). But the disturbance of balance occurs in consciousness in the plane of information and is only manifested in the body. The body is thus the imaging, the realizing plane of consciousness and hence of all the processes and changes that take place in consciousness. (If a horror film is shown in a cinema, it is not the cinema that is scary, but the film itself).

Illness is a condition which indicates that a person's consciousness is not in order, or that harmony does not reign in it. This loss of inner balance manifests in the body as a symptom. It is a signal and a carrier of information, because by its manifestation it interrupts the current flow of our life and forces us to pay attention to it. The symptom signals that one is ill, as a mental being, i.e. that we have lost the balance of our mental powers, that something is missing.

When one understands the difference between a disease and a symptom, one's attitude towards the disease and the way one deals with it changes at once. He no longer regards the symptom as a great enemy and does not seek to dispose of it, but sees in it a partner who will help him to find what is missing and thus to overcome his own illness. The symptom thus becomes a kind of teacher who helps us to take care of our own development and awareness, and who can be very stern and harsh if we do not perceive this regularity. Illness has only one goal: to heal us. Illness is not an accidental and unpleasant interruption of our journey, but the path itself, along which one walks towards healing. The more consciously we perceive this path, the better it can fulfill this purpose.

The structure of the cause of illness is different in each syndrome and even different in different people. Among the most common causes we can include the following:

Spiritual causes (attitude and way of life, philosophy of life), karmic share (hereditary and innate dispositions), the effect of poisons in food, environment and geopathogenic zones, the influence of improper nutrition, the influence of insufficient or one-sided movement.

The healing of any syndrome begins with a correction in the spirit, which is greatly aided by sincere, lively meditative prayer that opens us to the "upper world" (the Absolute, God, the Great Spirit, the Universe, ...) and we are able to receive the information necessary for this correction ("Knock and it will be opened to you"). The magnitude of the effect is determined by the purity of the prayer and the degree of opening/surrender ("Your faith has healed you"). This opening, is truth, power and wisdom, and transforms energies from the higher, spiritual, subtle-material vibrational planes to the lower vibrational, material planes of being. This transformation can be facilitated by natural "vibrational" remedies that accelerate the healing of the body (replenishing the missing vibration). These are stones, metals, shapes (= orgonites), animals, trees, herbs, colours and scents.

It is common knowledge that the above and other healing remedies (including medicines) have different effects depending on who you get them from, under what circumstances they were created/obtained. Strongly co-medicating is the quality and magnitude of the mental energy of the creator, herbalist, healer, practitioner (such people are open to the "upper world" and it cooperates through them in the work at hand).

What to add to this in conclusion?

The Mercyful God, Universe communicates with each of us individually through the Language of Life Circumstances, and part of our life circumstances are illnesses, accidents and accidents. If we begin to understand and communicate with this language, our lives will change significantly for the better and we will find our way to happiness! And that is why we are on this Earth. But that's another topic ... .

... to be continued ...

